Thursday, November 14, 2013

Hello Jebraa!


Fashion trends come and go... and come and go.. and come and go! It's a good thing they do, because it makes vintage clothing shopping so exciting. Although honestly, sometimes trudging through rails of musty clothing to find that gem hidden in the water-stained dust can be quite trying. And even more disheartening is when you find that amazing piece only to faint at the exorbitant price tag! Fortunately, we have found an Etsy store that seeks to banish vintage shopping woes by providing affordable and chic vintage clothing selections -- say hello to Jebraa. The owner of Jebraa definitely had vintage-lovers' in mind when she formed the philosophy of her store: "Jebraa was created with the intention of sharing my wonderful vintage finds with other women, in the hopes that they would give these pieces new lives in loving homes." Isn't that sweet?! And we also find her logo of the mythical Jebraa (a cross between a unicorn and zebra) absolutely charming!

Amrita's taste for fashion is evident in the store's items and above are some of our favorite items that are now available at her store. The items in her store come from the 50s to the 90s and have a great variety of styles to cater a multitude of different fashion senses. We are also happy to share that Jebraa is now offering a Thanksgiving sale with 15% off on all purchases until November 28th, 2013. Get this discount by entering the code JEBRAAFALL13 at checkout.

You can also find out about future sales and new items by following Jebraa on their social media sites. The Jebraa Pinterest is especially to die for, with lots of great fashion inspiration collected from throughout the decades: