Friday, August 23, 2013

In Praise of Men Wearing Skirts

Well, it has been over 10 years ago since Madonna released, What it Feels Like For a Girl and we think that the time to praise those men, who don't think that it's degrading and instead don clothes that are traditionally thought of as "for girls", is long overdue. 

Boy hero No. 1: Jean Paul Gaultier
In 1985, when Jean Paul Gaultier showed the skirt for men in his Spring/Summer collection, Et Dieu Créa L'Homme, it caused more than a few eyebrows to be raised, but undeterred he has continued to use fashion to question ideas about men’s behaviour and appearance, and in his collection for spring/summer 2014 the skirt for men again was featured.

Boy hero No. 2: Kurt Cobain
The pin-up from our teen years wore Courtney Love’s dresses on stage (who wouldn't though? They were pretty excellent) and again in the video for In Bloom, as a stance against traditional ideas of masculinity. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times he said that, “Wearing a dress shows I can be as feminine as I want.” Yes you can Kurt, yes you can.

Boy hero No. 3: Marc Jacobs
He has been carrying off the skirt for men with aplomb for a good while now and because it looks so natural and effortless on him the skirt no longer makes a statement, other than that of its own lack of gender - which perhaps is the loudest of all.

1 comment:

  1. Aww! Thanks so much. Yes, Marc Jacobs is incredibly hawt in his skirt.
