Monday, April 8, 2013

Moon Rock n' Roll

Miriam's Outfit: Blouse - Korean Boutique, Jeggings - H&M, Necklace - Gift (from Ebay)
Siobhan's Outfit: Dress - Forever 21, Earrings - & Other Stories, Chambray Shirt - Forever 21

After learning of the glow-in-the-dark qualities of a local bowling alley, we neon-loving ladies had to assemble our most cosmic ensembles for a night of fun! We bowled two sets with our friends, who very graciously allowed us to snap pictures between rolls. Miriam nearly got the top score in the first set, which I contribute to the luckiness of her galaxy rabbit bowling shirt. Unfortunately, the moon rock earrings I borrowed from Miriam weren't a good luck charm for my bowling abilities, but they sure looked great under the black light!


  1. those earrings are everything and more. they're out of this world. - YES, i went there.

    1. So many punnable options with this post! lol Thanks! The earrings are from H&M but they have a exclusive collection here in the shops in England. McFancy~

    2. When I was about five I used to have glow in the dark pyjamas. I got them for Christmas. We used to hide in the cupboard under the stairs to look at the glow in the dark moon and stars. This is totally the same.

    3. It is absolutely the adult version of that. We literally piled on everything that would glow. SO overdressed, it was kind of hilarious. I think the other people at the bowling alley probably thought we had never been to one before.

    4. However did you get to sleep Michael Bacon? And please tell me that they still exist in, and are lighting up, some dark recess of your wardrobe.
